Is Domestic Violence an Issue in Your Family Law Case?
When a relationship begins to deteriorate, emotions can start to run high. One person may not want to move on and it can make things unpleasant for everyone involved. In some of these situations, it may lead to heated arguments, which could even result in allegations of domestic violence.
For individuals with a pending family law matter in the courts, allegations of domestic violence have the potential to change your entire life. If the court agrees violence or the threat of violence were present in the relationship and decides to grant the other party a restraining order, your time with your children will be severely restricted, if not prohibited.
At the Law Office of Steven M. Bishop, CFLS, we have seen many families torn apart by domestic violence. Our lawyer, Steven M. Bishop, has over four decades of legal experience in handling domestic violence cases. Whether you are raising allegations as part of your case or need help defending against these claims, we are here to help you and your family.
What Is Domestic Violence?
When people think of domestic violence in a relationship, they may think that it applies only to physical abuse between intimate partners. But, under California law, domestic violence is much more than that. There are many different acts that can be considered as acts of domestic violence, including:
- Abuse of a partner’s emotions — trying to punish a spouse/partner mentally by constantly attacking their self-esteem
- Threats of abuse — making threatening statements, calls, texts or emails that lead a spouse or partner to believe that harm is imminent
- Stalking — constantly monitoring a spouse or partner’s actions to know where he or she is at all times
In all these situations, it will be important for the courts to understand exactly what is happening. If it is a situation where the relationship is toxic, then this must be clearly communicated. For clients who feel allegations are being made to hurt their potential case, it is necessary to present an aggressive defense. Once a restraining order is put into place it will be much more difficult to achieve a positive result in the pending family law matter.
Put An Experienced Attorney To Work On Your Case
Whether you are seeking a restraining order or need help protecting your rights, you need to act fast if domestic violence is an issue in your case. If you have questions about domestic violence, please call our San Diego office at 619-304-8417 or send us an email to arrange a free phone consultation.