Focused on Developing Effective Parenting-time Plans
For parents, there is perhaps nothing that inspires as much anger and fear as the potential loss of time that they are going to be able to spend with their children after the end of a relationship. Each parent will want as much time as possible, but this must be balanced against what is in the best interests of the children.
Unfortunately, many parents often find themselves stuck in extremely emotional arguments concerning child custody and parenting-time plans. Instead of focusing on how to communicate with one another they spend all their time attacking the other side. At the Law Office of Steven M. Bishop, CFLS, we help families work toward finding lasting parenting-time agreements.
A Workable Parenting Plan
We have seen many clients come into our office who have tried to handle their custody cases without the assistance of an experienced attorney. One of two things has usually happened: Either the parents created an agreement that lacked several key details or they are having difficulties getting their co-parent to agree to any basic provisions that would allow the case to keep moving forward.
When you work with our firm, you will be represented by an attorney with over four decades of experience who will help you evaluate the options available to you in your case. Steven M. Bishop is a Certified Specialist in Family Law, as certified by the California Board of Legal Specialization.
Mr. Bishop will sit down with you to determine the best approach to take in your case. If you have an existing custody or parenting agreement, he will review the document to determine if there are specific areas that must be addressed to ensure the arrangement is complete. If you are having problems coming to an agreement, he will work together with you to decide the best way to proceed in order to get results.
Talk To Us About Your Case
Our goal is to help you and your children be in a better place once your case has ended. We want you to be able to focus on spending enjoyable time with your children rather than fighting about everything inside the courtroom every time something goes wrong.
To discuss your case with an experienced lawyer who is a Certified Specialist in Family Law, please call our San Diego office at 619-304-8417 or send us an email to arrange a free telephone consultation.