California is a community property state. Because of this, many people often wonder what happens to their credit card debt after they divorce. As with assets, there are two types of credit card debt which must be assessed in the divorce process, namely solely held debt, and jointly held debt. Debt Which May be Sole ...
Divorces complicate everyone’s lives and when it comes time to file your tax return following a divorce, you should prepare yourself for the changes you can anticipate. As if tax filings are not complicated enough, following a divorce, you will need to be aware of the changes you can anticipate. There are a number of ...
Divorcing a spouse is never easy. When your assets are high, there are often more complications than if you have a modest estate. While California is a community property state, oftentimes couples have assets which they owned coming into their marriage, there may be a prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement, or one spouse may have inherited ...
Divorces where there are children involved are always complicated. Unfortunately, one of the most common issues in all divorces is custody or parenting plans. Both parents want what is best for their child, but oftentimes, the acrimony between them does not provide a sound basis for good decision making. Sadly, all too often, one partner ...
Divorce is always complicated — not only is the process complicated, but chances are, the emotions you are feeling are equally as complicated. Regardless of what the circumstances are, it is common for those who are going through the process of divorce to be forced to deal with a range of emotions. Anger, sadness, confusion, ...
Divorce is time consuming and can be expensive. In some cases, you could be required to pay your spouse’s attorney fees to represent them in your divorce case. There are a limited number of instances when this can occur, but it is something every divorce client should be aware of before they decide to stall ...
California marriages end in divorce too frequently. While California ranks among the lower across many states, the rates are still rather high. According to Statista, the state overall has approximately a 5.7 per 1,000 rate of marriages. Recent reports issued by U. S. News indicate approximately 6.5 percent of all California marriages will end in ...
Divorces can be messy. The process can be challenging for couples to navigate, even when most issues can be resolved amicably. This is one reason why couples often turn to an experienced family law attorney to help them draw up agreements, resolve unsettled issues, and review the issues which a couple has resolved between them. ...
There may come a time when the party paying child or spousal support, or the party receiving either payment may have an interest in modifying the existing order. While this is not impossible to do, the process can be complicated — particularly when the other party is opposed to having it changed. The most cost-effective ...