Many parents say change cannot come quick enough regarding the rules and laws surrounding supervised visitation of children amid custody disputes. Three tragic stories are at the center of this push for change in California laws. In 2017, a Los Angeles woman requested sole custody of her 5-year-old son. Her ex-husband fought for full custody. ...
Initiating or filing for divorce in San Diego County during the holiday season can be difficult. It is why many do so in January, known as the peak season for divorces. Divorce filings are reported to spike by nearly one-third following the holidays. Already a stressful time of the year, a divorce can add even ...
In 2019, a 73-year-old California woman was awarded $150,000 in back child support. The retired interior designer and Carlsbad resident raised her daughter alone after her ex-husband abandoned his family almost 50 years before. His daughter was a toddler when he left for Canada, and now, she is in her 5os. The single mom juggled ...
Having to make child support payments every month can be a hassle. So why not just pay the entire amount now and be done with it? It may sound like a good idea to pay off a child support obligation, but individuals might want to consider how the legal system in California views child support ...
TJ, and Sandy had a romantic meeting. Sandy Webb, met TJ at a bar in Apache Junction, Arizona. Years later, TJ found himself on a hospital bed, staring death in the eyes as a result of cancer. TJ proposed to her right then and there to affirm his love for her forever, but Sandy had ...
When a marriage or domestic partnership ends in California and there are minor children involved, a court will be very interested in making sure that the children will continue to receive the financial support necessary to provide for their basic needs and, in some cases, the lifestyle they were accustomed to living before the divorce. ...
Spousal support, also known as alimony, could be ordered by a judge in a California divorce court to be paid by one spouse to the other. It can be a messy process, with a bevy of factors from the marriage weighing in on how much is paid. But if a spouse chooses to stop payments ...
Child custody is a bitter battle for many. Moreover, there are not many situations in which the alteration of a child custody agreement is one that is simple and streamlined. These truths usually stem from the fact that both parents want to play major roles in the lives of their children – and understandably so. ...
Custody battles can take a heavy toll on everyone involved. It is difficult for children and their parents, but it can also be difficult for grandparents and other relatives close to the family struggling to work out these issues. Grandparents and other relatives may have custodial and visitation rights when it comes to minor children—depending ...