
How To Check For Termites Yourself


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Date: November 18, 2022 | Termite treatment
How To Check For Termites Yourself

Termites are small but powerful insects that can consume food 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They can cause serious damage to homes without warning if not stopped. Termites are estimated to cause $336 billion in economic damage worldwide each year. It is critical to check for these signs of termite infestation on a regular basis, especially if you have heard of infested homes in your neighborhood. The sooner you discover them, the better for your family.

Signs You Have a Termite Problem

Windows Or Doors That Are Squeezed

Is there a window or door you frequently have trouble opening or closing? This may point to the presence of termites. Termites prefer to attack exposed and easily accessible wood, such as windows and doorframes. 

As termites eat through the wood, the frames of your windows and doors may warp, making it difficult to open and close them properly. Aside from stuck windows and doors, termite damage can cause other structural issues in your homes, such as floor and ceiling sag or crumbling baseboards.

Paint Or Wallpaper Damage

While feeding on cardboard and wood paneling beneath the surface of your walls, Tiny pinholes, and tunnels called termite galleries are evidence of the damage caused by termites (called exit holes).

They may do this without scratching the surface’s thin coat of paint or wallpaper, making the damage invisible until it is stripped away. As a result, termite damage is more likely to be discovered during home repairs and renovations.

Swarmers Of Termites And Discarded Wings

Termite swarmers inside a house or building indicate an active termite infestation. Termites have castes that include workers, soldiers, and swarmers. Termite swarmers, also known as alates, are reproductive termite members. They are distinguished by two pairs of huge pale-colored wings that are roughly 1/4 to 1/2 inches long. A swarmer sheds its wings after leaving the colony and finding a mate.

Tubes of Mud

Next, look for mud tubes on your property. The mud tubes along your home’s exterior look like a network of tiny veins. These conduits arise from the ground and move to locations with bare wood.

To protect themselves from dry air, termites build mud tubes. Subterranean termites, the most common type, have thin exoskeletons that dry out quickly. As a result, they require a humid environment to survive. They can safely travel from their colony to their food source thanks to mud tubes.

Termite Excrement

Another sign of termite activity is termite droppings, also known as “frass.” To avoid buildup, termites eat through the wood, digest it, and push it out of the colony.

What Should You Do?

We strongly advise scheduling annual inspections to detect and treat infestations as early as possible. Vinx Pest Control always strives to provide customized and guaranteed termite solutions to every client. Our team can perform a thorough inspection to determine if you have an infestation and recommend the best treatment options for your unique needs. Don’t hesitate to contact us today. We are here for you